Anyway. An Etsy seller got the equivalent of getting jumped over using WTF for her title. And I thought...well...WTF is just three letters, what fun could we have by coming up with a different meaning for it?
And so, another topic called WTF was born. It's still not safe for work, but it's so much fun! This turned out to be the fastest growing topic I ever created, with about 200 replies in about 2 hours. It was exciting to see a sort of WTF revolution. :D
Some examples:
Wild Tampon Federation
Walrus Termination Fund ( entertainingangels)
Wiggling Tickled Freaks ( McPrincessMaree)
Wino That Fell (KreatedbyKarina)
Walker Texas Fanger ( Krystan) --this one sparked a topic of it's own about a vampire Chuck Norris
Winking Turtle Fruitcake
Winona Takes Fashion and Wu Tang Flan (spamberly )
Mando and Lynda from Mando2 and ArmandoJavierDesign decided that the best of these was Watermelon Tofu Flambe, and created this leather cuff in honor of it :D.

ah ha ha, that is such a cute article. Mando and I just can't help ourselves. We are going to use that thread again for something!
Oh, I love it!
I didn't get to add on to that one so...
Wino's Toast Farts :)
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