I had a wonderful time at Bluff Point in Groton, during which I found all this including another marble and a green blown crowntop bottle mouth (1/2). The marble is a real beauty too, especially since I hadn't found much that wasn't common and suddenly kicked this out of a pile of pebbles. A lovely aqua shard washed up at my feet too :). I hadn't been to Bluff Point since a field trip I took in the 5th grade and brought home a dead horseshoe crab...which sat around in our computer room for about 2 years and suddenly it started to stink really bad...so I sent it on its merry way in the stream that ran through our property. I'll bet that's going to throw some archaeologists off in about 30000000 years when they find its fossil among trout and dead deer. lol
So...sea glass!

And of course, last week I returned to my beach that never fails to show treasures (EXCEPT it actually did back in September...but I figured I just showed up too early and the annual supply of sand dumped on that beach hadn't been depleted enough yet and replaced by pebbles. Sure enough...another 3 weeks went by and that beach had changed quite a bit...)

Another thing I did was finally get around to organizing urban exploration photos I've taken since Insane Bunkers crashed in Feb. 2007. I just kind of left them in folders and realized that I kind of forgot certain photos, especially some cemetery photos because my camera couldn't seem to orient itself. This was about a month before the electronics went all wonky and buttons stopped working or stopped doing what they were supposed to do. (IE: Press review...and the camera takes a picture! And the menu button just doesn't work at all...so I can't delete photos off the camera without hooking up my camera to my computer and doing it there....but enough about my camera woes.)
So...speaking of pictures forgotten...here's an interesting photo.
This is a street sign embedded in a tree, as seen in 2004. As far as I know, it's still there, and I'm pretty sure I have better pictures of it but I have no idea where they are. lol

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