I've been hard at work on my Etsy shop and officially off from my day job since August 9. I'd say all the new listings don't leave a lot of time for working on social media and blogs, but they're an important component to selling online. Check out these uploads from my instagram while I was brainstorming and creating one night!
These earrings have since been listed, here.
A small taste of things to come?
I have to admit, I've been having fun teasing on Instagram as I create new jewelry. I haven't really been hard at work at creating new things since 2009 or so--other than re-making clock hand earrings when I could, I hadn't felt too creative over the past few years. My photography career made everything else take a back seat, as well it should have, because it supported me for years.
So here, check out this necklace I made, from start to finish!
Brainstorming! Let's play with beads! If that pendant looks familiar, it's because it was part of my #21 pendant, created on January 15, 2008. I decided to take it apart and re-work the design.
The old #21 pendant.
Oh by the way, check out how my product photos have improved! The Number #21 Pendant photo was actually listed like that on Etsy (and I know if you hunt around my Etsy shop enough, you will find plenty of crappy product photos shot that same night). I didn't know what I was doing back then with either photography or jewelry making, apparently. I mean, there's a reason I'm re-working my oldest designs. Speaking of re-working, I've been taking apart my oldest clock hand earrings and fixing the wiring technique. Not that my earrings have come apart through the years, they just used way too much wire and looked a mess.
Stay tuned for some awesome wedding posts, including a tutorial on wedding party favors!
P.S. I signed up for a Craftori account, we'll see how that goes! Check it out, here. http://craftori.com/items/author/mannequinreject/
Also, my Mannequin Reject Emporium has a Pinterest page, separate from my personal one.
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