Sunday, September 28, 2014

A necklace for Buggy kitty.

Last Sunday, I spent all day making jewelry at my inlaw's while Brent worked on the race car with his brother and his dad.  I seriously hauled like 6 bead trays and probably 50 pounds of beads and wire and clock hands and you name it over there.  I ransacked my entire studio rather than just...staying home.

I've been having a bit of a creative streak lately and have been making a lot of jewelry to deal with some bad news we received about three weeks ago.  I've made some of the most beautiful jewelry yet during the past three weeks and last Sunday was no exception.  I'm kind of baffled by this because sometimes I don't exactly make pretty things.

Anyway, one piece I made took several hours because I couldn't get it to work right with the ideas I had for it, so here it is in the later stages of being made.

Anyway, at my inlaws, there was a cat named Buggy

Buggy was such a sweet cat and she was Brent's buddy for 14 years.

Buggy disappeared Sunday night after we departed my inlaw's for home.  We found out she was missing on Monday afternoon after dealing with some other stuff that had to do with the bad news I mentioned earlier.  We spent hours looking for her on Tuesday, but she vanished.  We checked surveillance cameras until we couldn't bear to watch anymore, and it didn't get us any closer to finding out what happened to her.

As for the necklace, I realized it was the last thing I made while she was still alive.  I last saw her when we were leaving for home that night.  At one point I dropped a bunch of the seed beads and accidentally picked up some cat food crumbs thinking it was the beads (haha).  Every time I looked at the necklace, I thought of Buggy, and if it were to sell in my Etsy shop, I would be sad to see it go.

So I added a little cat bead to remind us of our tabby Buggy, and turned it into a little memorial to her.  I can make more necklaces similar to this one, but this one is special.  I wore it out to a bunch of yardsales yesterday and got a lot of compliments.

 It's been a week and Buggy hasn't come home.  We live in rural eastern Connecticut, we're not delusional about what could have happened to her and we've taken it really hard.  When we get cats of our own, they're not going out after dark.

 Brent and Buggy, the first time I ever met little Buggy at dinner at his parents back in 2012.

 As for the other bad news, if anything comes of it, then it will show up in the blog.  Otherwise, here's some of the jewelry I made while dealing with that.

I haven't made a pair of earrings like these since 2008, and we'll see how they do!

 I love uranium/vaseline glass beads, as well as electric blue!  This will be listed soon.

This was made from a couple upcycled pieces of jewelry I've had laying around for years, and I love how it came out!

Otherwise, not much else has been going on.  Obviously I'm moving a bit slower these days since I'm 38 weeks pregnant and fully expect this kid to barely make it into October before birth.  I had my strongest contractions yet after we were looking for Buggy on Tuesday because I over did it while hiking through the woods.  

Making jewelry in massive amounts is not nesting, right?  Or is that an Etsy thing...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ain't nobody got time to wrestle a mannequin!

One of the biggest draws in my shop are my vintage dresses.  I made the leap into selling vintage dresses back in 2008 when my Etsy shop was still fairly new and I was new to product photography and all the rest.  This week, though I've been putting it off for quite some time, I decided to re-shoot all the dresses I've had for sale in my shop now for more than five years.  I mean, in 2010 I finally bit the bullet and bought a mannequin--I'd been using a plus-sized dress form that my mom scored from a yardsale and half the time I was photographing dresses completely unzipped down the back because they just didn't fit the form.

Despite having bought the mannequin in 2010, I only re-shot the dresses I already had for sale in 2012...

I've been putting it off.  I remembered the 2012 shoot taking FOREVER because dressing and undressing the mannequin is a bear.  The 2012 shoot had my studio lights, which aren't that bright, shot at nighttime in a dark basement.
Not to mention the fact that my black backdrop was in the wrong place for the angles that I needed, so my photos from that night were terrible with half a backdrop or some awful such thing.

Now? I'm 34 weeks pregnant. Ain't nobody got time (or energy) to wrestle a mannequin!

However, if I want to get these dresses sold, the terrible pictures from 2008-9...2012... have to go. I know I don't have a good photo setup for the mannequin and clothing despite being a professional photographer. I've got pro equipment but I'm not a portrait photographer by any means, so I don't have a studio setup with legit backdrops.  I'm a photojournalist with a white tablecloth and I sold my mediocre light setup to my brother in law because it suits his videography needs far better than it ever suited my still needs.  As a result, my lighting for clothing photogaphy consists of a 40 year old overhead fluorescent light and a big ol' window.


So I shot 8 dresses for my Etsy shop before my body and baby were like, "LOL UR DONE IT'S NAPTIME"  and I brought my tiny photoshoot home to be edited.  Then I noticed this photo.

What the hell happened to her wig?  Where's her bottle of Jack?

And since I can't drink my sorrows away at the moment, I went straight to the Etsy forums to mention how I thought my mannequin looked like she rolled out of bed.  Because quite clearly, she did.  And my long white tablecloth idea is just not working either, I can see that.

So I'm replacing crappy five year old product photos with mediocre product photos. OK.  On the Etsy forums, someone mentioned how if I photographed her with a bottle of Jack in her hand, she would show it to all her friends, which reminded me of my past clothing photography endeavors.

Like...before I had the plus size dress form, I had a five foot plastic skeleton with a stuffed bra as such a gimmick.  I remembered selling at least one dress like that, but there were actually two sold, and so I went off in search of my bad clothing photos from way back.

And that is what this post is about-- the TERRIBLE clothing photos I started out with, and where I am still struggling today.  At least the latest round isn't nearly as cringe-worthy as some of these!


 Oh look, here's a dress hanging off my mother's porch!  Look at her shed in the background!
 OMG so like that angle wasn't good enough, here's the VFW next door and OMG LOOK AT MY SAAB!!!!
Well none of those shots worked.  Here's the money shot.  THIS DRESS SOLD WITH THIS PHOTO.

Here's another look at the dress that's been in my shop the absolute longest.  It's hard to photograph because of that pattern, which almost never looked as good as it does in person until the 2012 shoot.

 2008: Shot on a hanger tacked to the living room wall in almost direct sunlight with a Kodak DX7590, and below, shot in a basement with the same Kodak and the flash!  For the love of all that is holy...

 2009: Dress on the plus-size dress form, completely unzipped down the back since it's a US size 4.  At least this was better than say...hanging off my mom's porch.  Shot with a Canon Rebel XS in my mother's living room.  There are still quite a few of the April 2009 photo shoot images still floating around my Etsy shop, but not as the main photo.  There were some others shot in the basement in October 2009 that are also still in existence.  Honestly, I think the April 2009 was the most successful but not the best they could have been due to lighting/equipment/etc.  There were a lot of motion blur photos or just out of focus, etc, and they all got listed that way...

I had high hopes for the 2012 shoot, which went so horribly I didn't want to even tackle it again for another two years.  I couldn't even find the photos, which apparently never made it to my archive from my laptop.

And this week. 
 Huge improvement, but nothing spectacular...
The search for the perfect setup continues...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Recent creations and some news!

With so much going on in my life as of late (got married, whole wedding planned and executed in FIVE DAYS --another post, another time!) I've neglected all my blogs!  (I have a photography blog, which can be found here.)

I've been hard at work on my Etsy shop and officially off from my day job since August 9.  I'd say all the new listings don't leave a lot of time for working on social media and blogs, but they're an important component to selling online.  Check out these uploads from my instagram while I was brainstorming and creating one night!

These earrings have since been listed, here.

 A small taste of things to come? 

I have to admit, I've been having fun teasing on Instagram as I create new jewelry.  I haven't really been hard at work at creating new things since 2009 or so--other than re-making clock hand earrings when I could, I hadn't felt too creative over the past few years.  My photography career made everything else take a back seat, as well it should have, because it supported me for years.

So here, check out this necklace I made, from start to finish!

Brainstorming! Let's play with beads!  If that pendant looks familiar, it's because it was part of my #21 pendant, created on January 15, 2008.  I decided to take it apart and re-work the design.

The old #21 pendant.

Oh by the way, check out how my product photos have improved! The Number #21 Pendant photo was actually listed like that on Etsy (and I know if you hunt around my Etsy shop enough, you will find plenty of crappy product photos shot that same night).  I didn't know what I was doing back then with either photography or jewelry making, apparently.  I mean, there's a reason I'm re-working my oldest designs.  Speaking of re-working, I've been taking apart my oldest clock hand earrings and fixing the wiring technique. Not that my earrings have come apart through the years, they just used way too much wire and looked a mess.

Stay tuned for some awesome wedding posts, including a tutorial on wedding party favors!

P.S. I signed up for a Craftori account, we'll see how that goes!  Check it out, here.

Also, my Mannequin Reject Emporium has a Pinterest page, separate from my personal one.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Oh hey, remember that crock I found in the Moosup River back in April 2008?

Of course not, who the heck was reading this blog now who was reading it back then?  Let's refresh your memory. 

D.I.Y. Archaeology aka Girls Who Dig Rock!

So there was this grody crock.

Anyway, I couldn't get it fully clean that day, figuring I would take a toothbrush to it and scrub the hell out of it.  I always intended to do exactly that.  So it sat.

And sat.

I moved two years later. 

It stayed at my mother's and sat.

I moved again, two years later.

And again a year after that.

Finally, I put it in the trunk of my saab. It was full of spiders and cobwebs.

I finally cleaned it.


So six years later, you know how hard that river muck was to get off of it?  Mr. Clean knocked it on it's rear end in 15 minutes, no toothbrushes even needed.

It's my garbage can in my craft room now (I line it, it's not grody).  The one thing I never admitted when I had spent 90 minutes digging it out of the river was that its only flaw was a crack, which is why I never bothered selling it.  I mean come on, 90 minutes of work and it's cracked?  Now I have a good story and a good trash can.

It's time to revive the shop blog!

I mean, it's only been 5 years since I posted anything at all.

The best years I had on Etsy were 2008 and 2009, and I spent the morning editing old posts in this blog so that it would hopefully remain relevant if anyone wanted to see my earliest beginnings.  I stopped focusing on Etsy during mid-2010 when my photography career took off, and I spent the next two years building that. For more information, see my website: .

I'm up to 332 Etsy sales, 2 artfire sales, and over 100 positive feedback on eBay, and I'm hitting Etsy hard as I come up on a new period of extended-no-day-job-ness.

Not like I'm losing the post office job, I have that as long as I want it.  I left it once, I went back.  Now I'm preparing for a maternity leave and am using it as a springboard to hopefully build my Etsy store like I never did before.

In the past month, the size of the shop has tripled and I now have more listings than I ever did in 2008/09/10.

What else has changed in the past five years?

Damn near everything.

I have a new camera.  My last posts mentioned my learning process with the Canon Rebel XS I had just received the previous January.  I have all new lenses, two Canon 7D's and when I look at my product photos from 2008, frankly, I'm embarrassed. lol  Go see the part about my photography career taking off.  There's an ebb and flow to the working world now.  Maybe there always has been.

Oh, and since my blog idolizes Lunatic Sophie Saab, let's update that too.

#operationrescuesaab on Instagram.

My 1984 Saab 900 S served me well until January 2010 when it stalled in the road five times on my way home from the post office, a distance of 1/2 mile, and I pushed it home.  I parked it that day.  I couldn't afford to keep dumping money into it and mechanics were raking me over the coals. Turns out there was nothing wrong with it but a bad battery (that I had just purchased, but that happens, apparently).  And it had been parked for almost three years before I found that out.

My poor 1984 Saab.  It sat so long for nothing.  Now it has a host of many, many more problems while I was out driving all over kingdom come in my used Subarus, a 2005 Legacy, and a 2010 Forester.

 Sally Subaru, which I drove from February 1, 2010-June 30, 2011

 Rhonda the Mafia Mobile, which I drove from June 30, 2011-May 2, 2014

Meanwhile, during an ebb in my photography work, when I figured I would eventually have to sell my Forester, my loving fiance (Brent!) found me a 1993 Saab 900 S. So this is the new Saab that will be turning up in obligatory saab shots.

 This is Grumpy Sophie Saab II of Buggyshire, purchased February 19, 2013! See this Saab in still-life action on Instagram! #grumpysophiesaab2ofbuggyshire

So as it turns out, the transmission from the 1984 Saab is compatible with the 1993 Saab, so I do still have both, though the original saab is a sad saab sitting over at my future in-laws.  Brent is my only trusted mechanic, and his dad owned SEVEN Saab 900's while he was growing up, so guess what he's worked on more than he knows?

And we still go up Lantern Hill every year with my now 83-year-old grandfather. 

So what's new in my Etsy shop?  I got rid of all the half-assed crap that I thought was so special (Polymer secret beads from Feb. '08?  No one cared.) I debuted new magnets, which I made in 2009 but never listed because I wanted to make sure the glue was sturdy enough.  I GUESS AFTER 5 YEARS WE KNOW THE ANSWER.

And in case you were wondering, I am in fact still listing hand-made jewelry, and making more!  Here are some of my latest creations!

As always, I have a wide variety of crafting supplies (especially buttons!) and vintage clothes!  Check out all my links to pinterest and twitter on the side of the page, and check back soon for more regular blog posts (that hopefully won't ramble as badly as the old ones, oh hell, maybe not. haha)