I wanted to let you know the broach arrived yesterday. I saw in your profile that this is the first one you made in this style. That was actually the deciding factor for me when I bought it. I had made a list of all the many things available that I liked the most, and then went through reading profiles to help make a decision on which I was going to get this time around. The Irish stamp and the cool little hand is what put this one on my list to begin with. But your profile mentioned it was your first, and I think no one's first piece should stay in the storefront for very long. Keep making them, you're very good.
Etsy has been good to me, even though I actually stepped back and took a breather from it for about a week. I need to post some new stuff tonight, actually I need to make some new stuff too. I will be moving into the last of the rooms downstairs soon so we're cleaning and re-arranging and it doesn't leave much time for jewelry making.
I've been loving the beautiful weather we've had all week. Granted, I guess we could use some rain as things have been catching on fire like crazy because everything is so dried up. For those of you who knew me in middle school (which is like ...no one who reads this blog...) the 3-story chicken coop across the street from my old house caught fire yesterday. Crazy, because 10 years ago Patrick and I were wandering around the woods over there (big bottle dump, and a "floating door"...I'll explain that some other time maybe)...and we just discovered this huge chicken coop that people were living in. Curtains and ACs in the windows.
I guess no one was living there now, as the newspaper said today that it was abandoned. Or was it?
Add this to the huge fire I saw while coming home the other night from a lovely Saturday. A huge McMansion burned about two miles from my house, and I saw it when I was driving down the hill in Wauregan (about 3 miles from the fire).

Sunday's flea market day was a bit slow, so I think I'm going to bow out of there either this weekend or next (probably next weekend). I've had a great time during my 5 months there, but now I want to shift my focus, at least till the good weather is over.
Monday I went out looking for sea glass, for the first time in almost a month (because of the car problems, and now the price of gas is keeping me away as well...). I went to my two favorites and actually didn't find much. At Narragansett I found a huge bottom of a bottle or a jar, which is embossed "E.B. Co. Ld. 10710".

At Scarborough, I walked out a bit farther than normal and stumbled upon this odd concrete retaining wall, and at the back of it was a 1970's bottle dump...though everything's smashed to bits, against this wall. I found fragments which read "Liquor Bottle" and the bottom of a glass Sprite 2 liter. When I worked at Soda Warehouse (5 longggggg years ago...though pretty soon if I don't get a job I might go try going back there), someone actually thought they could get the redemption on one of those. (No, because the distributor who picks up the empties would not pick up something like that...so my boss put the bottle on his shelf along with other very old bottles people would bring back).

Total sea glass finds for the day; 158 pieces.
Tuesday was a bit of a waste...
Yesterday, after dropping off 3 boxes of magazines for recycling, I drove to Moosup so I could go for a walk in the shade. I decided to go to the place with the crystals, and when I got there I wanted to walk on the bridge (near the mill) to look at the river.

AND THE BROKEN MESS that I took home anyway.
I'm thrilled if I find one piece of sea glass!
Wow! I wish I had your energy. You had some great finds and a real interesting read!
What a haul!
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