OMG, I just had the coolest idea.
If any of you know me and socks, you'll know that I haven't worn a plain white pair of socks in 9 years. Yes, really. I take pride in my funky socks.
But no pair of socks lasts 9 years without holes. I still wear socks with small holes, but a great many of my socks have huge holes in the heels.
I've saved all my old pairs of socks in hopes that one day I would find a use for them.
And I finally got that idea today.
I was looking on Etsy for a crocheted steering wheel cover because I want to decorate my Saab with all things home-made, to give it that artsy flair. I have no idea how to crochet and don't have much of an interest in learning how. I posted a "how much would you charge me to make this" in the Etsy forums and had no bites at all.
While picking socks to wear today, I found that most of my clean pairs had those huge holes (need to do laundry), and realized I could make a colorful steering wheel cover out of the socks!
But how? I have no idea how to make my own "pattern" for such a thing. And I pulled my $15 memory-foam steering wheel cover out of the Grand Am, even though it's so dirty from delivering newspapers that every time I touch it, my hands turn black and dry out from the ink. (I used to wear latex gloves to deliver the papers to save my hands from the ink.) I have no idea how to clean this expensive cover, and doubt it would survive the wash.
What to do?
Cut the socks into small squares and sew them OVER the existing cover! Problem solved!
Before / After pictures will be forth coming :D. I just had to post this here so I wouldn't forget it.
The creator of the Blithe Button, Megan McGory Gleason, shares her latest self-employment endeavors as she strives to become fully self-sufficient.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Theme for LEAP DAY!
Name of the car: Lunatic Sophie. That way it's still Sophie Saab but now Luna's name is incorporated into it, thanks to Torann, who left the first comment on this blog!
Today is Leap Day. I'm so excited! I'm going to the auction in Jewett City tonight, I know it's supposed to snow but maybe that means less people will show up and I can get some great bargains! I had my biggest sale ever on Etsy last night, which has me wicked pumped and makes me think that I'm going in the right direction by finding & buying rare vintage fabrics and supplies. The fabric sat on Etsy for about two weeks, but then one person came and bought almost all of it. I knew it was a good idea! Now I just have to keep plugging away!
I love to find things and bring them to others. Flo, who is the woman I bought the fabric from, has had the fabric sitting in her flea market booth for about 20 years. Little old ladies come and buy from flo, but they're looking for plain fabrics and not something that's so obviously out-dated. There's a niche market for vintage fabrics, and if I learned anything from Justin, it's that niche markets do so well on the internet--that's exactly what he said to me during my second interview before I started working there two years ago tomorrow. I mean, Yankee Retail IS a successful company. There are reasons for that. Hard to believe it's been two years since I got that job, and over nine months since I left it. If Jeff wanted to hire me back tomorrow, I'd reconsider at least part time because work is work. Ocean State Job Lot might hire me part time till summer, then full time. That's exciting, because I do half of my grocery shopping there (dry & canned goods) and I could use an employee discount. The economy is bad. Ocean State is cheaper than Walmart. (Yes, really.)
Anyway. Flo. She's the one with the treasure trove, not me. I help her find her register keys and that ever-so-elusive-ribbon that she cut 2 hours ago and lost as soon as she put it down. She thinks my name is Monica or Nicole, but that's ok. Ten years ago, my cat's name was Monica and my neighbor's name was Nicole, so she's close. I can't really make much of a profit from the vintage buttons she sells, but I do pick through and buy the unique ones.
As for the flea market, I bought this awesome Arabian puppet thing. I wish I had pictures because it's so neat. I love doing the designing for the booth because it's bright, colorful, cool, and people have to stop and look when they walk by. It's so cool, I get compliments every week and sometimes even a little cash! lol. I'm thinking of putting together a photobook of the pictures I've taken in there over the past 3 years, because I've taken so many and I really think the vendors would enjoy possibly seeing items they've sold years ago brought back to them in this format. Takes up less space.
Here's a quick look at pictures taken in there (whatever I already had in my photobucket account, lol)

It's so strange looking through these pictures. At the time I never thought I'd become part of this tight-knit flea market community. Really, some people have had booths in here for months or weeks and never become a part of it, but I've had the booth almost three months and no one wants me to ever leave. I look forward to every Sunday. I just feel so good about it. :)
Auction tonight. I haven't gone in over a month and I just miss seeing that same community! (Really, all the same people go to the auction who have booths in the flea market...) I have an empty, spacious, clean car to fill. (Not much money to fill it...)
I found out yesterday that I haven't written in my paper journal since Jan.31. I haven't had a gap like this since Uncle Larry died, and that was only a 20 day gap that I spent 5 hours typing to catch up. I just can't believe that I spent so much time this month on paperwork and all that process that goes with it to take care of the accident and the Grand Am, not to mention making over 30 pairs of earrings and working so hard to promote my etsy shop. I really thought floating around the forums was beginning to become a waste of time until I saw that fabric order. I think I really stopped breathing for a moment. lol
To do list for today, or the future:
-Mail fabric to customer.
-Stop at Ocean State and bug manager for job, again.
-Write in paper journal (finish, only 16 pages left!)
-Paint secret beads that I made a few days ago and am dying to put on Etsy.
-Clean extra stuff from car to mail back to former owner, like his flip flops.
-Price spark plugs & wires and call mechanic about tune up (the only thing that car needs! sweet).
-Call insurance company to find out if the lien holder on the Grand Am is cooperating with them yet (don't even get me started! This has been such a fiasco that I'll never finance through Sovereign Bank ever again! Geico is willing to pay, aren't they happy they'll be getting the FULL amount I owed on the car?!?!?!?!?!!?! Especially in a time when everyone and their uncle is defaulting on loans? saflkdjshlfkjasdhf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-Domesticky thingies, like dishes and laundry.
-sigh- I. want. paperwork. over. with. I don't even have the car anymore, geico took it the same day I got the Saab. And there's a mini-fiasco with the DMV and the Saab because silly me forgot there's this thing called a TITLE, that all cars newer than 1981 need in order to be registered (in this state). I wanted to mail this guy's plates back to him yesterday so there's no question about who this car really belongs to if, God forbid, I get pulled over.
Busy busy busy.
Today is Leap Day. I'm so excited! I'm going to the auction in Jewett City tonight, I know it's supposed to snow but maybe that means less people will show up and I can get some great bargains! I had my biggest sale ever on Etsy last night, which has me wicked pumped and makes me think that I'm going in the right direction by finding & buying rare vintage fabrics and supplies. The fabric sat on Etsy for about two weeks, but then one person came and bought almost all of it. I knew it was a good idea! Now I just have to keep plugging away!
I love to find things and bring them to others. Flo, who is the woman I bought the fabric from, has had the fabric sitting in her flea market booth for about 20 years. Little old ladies come and buy from flo, but they're looking for plain fabrics and not something that's so obviously out-dated. There's a niche market for vintage fabrics, and if I learned anything from Justin, it's that niche markets do so well on the internet--that's exactly what he said to me during my second interview before I started working there two years ago tomorrow. I mean, Yankee Retail IS a successful company. There are reasons for that. Hard to believe it's been two years since I got that job, and over nine months since I left it. If Jeff wanted to hire me back tomorrow, I'd reconsider at least part time because work is work. Ocean State Job Lot might hire me part time till summer, then full time. That's exciting, because I do half of my grocery shopping there (dry & canned goods) and I could use an employee discount. The economy is bad. Ocean State is cheaper than Walmart. (Yes, really.)
Anyway. Flo. She's the one with the treasure trove, not me. I help her find her register keys and that ever-so-elusive-ribbon that she cut 2 hours ago and lost as soon as she put it down. She thinks my name is Monica or Nicole, but that's ok. Ten years ago, my cat's name was Monica and my neighbor's name was Nicole, so she's close. I can't really make much of a profit from the vintage buttons she sells, but I do pick through and buy the unique ones.
As for the flea market, I bought this awesome Arabian puppet thing. I wish I had pictures because it's so neat. I love doing the designing for the booth because it's bright, colorful, cool, and people have to stop and look when they walk by. It's so cool, I get compliments every week and sometimes even a little cash! lol. I'm thinking of putting together a photobook of the pictures I've taken in there over the past 3 years, because I've taken so many and I really think the vendors would enjoy possibly seeing items they've sold years ago brought back to them in this format. Takes up less space.
Here's a quick look at pictures taken in there (whatever I already had in my photobucket account, lol)

Glassware, February 13, 2005

Me, Josh, Nick, and Leash, February 13, 2005And this mirror is STILL for sale, 3 years later!

Mannequin, January 7, 2007

This was the day I bought my mannequin head, the inspiration for Mannequin Reject (the zine!). February 20, 2005.
It's so strange looking through these pictures. At the time I never thought I'd become part of this tight-knit flea market community. Really, some people have had booths in here for months or weeks and never become a part of it, but I've had the booth almost three months and no one wants me to ever leave. I look forward to every Sunday. I just feel so good about it. :)
Auction tonight. I haven't gone in over a month and I just miss seeing that same community! (Really, all the same people go to the auction who have booths in the flea market...) I have an empty, spacious, clean car to fill. (Not much money to fill it...)
I found out yesterday that I haven't written in my paper journal since Jan.31. I haven't had a gap like this since Uncle Larry died, and that was only a 20 day gap that I spent 5 hours typing to catch up. I just can't believe that I spent so much time this month on paperwork and all that process that goes with it to take care of the accident and the Grand Am, not to mention making over 30 pairs of earrings and working so hard to promote my etsy shop. I really thought floating around the forums was beginning to become a waste of time until I saw that fabric order. I think I really stopped breathing for a moment. lol
To do list for today, or the future:
-Mail fabric to customer.
-Stop at Ocean State and bug manager for job, again.
-Write in paper journal (finish, only 16 pages left!)
-Paint secret beads that I made a few days ago and am dying to put on Etsy.
-Clean extra stuff from car to mail back to former owner, like his flip flops.
-Price spark plugs & wires and call mechanic about tune up (the only thing that car needs! sweet).
-Call insurance company to find out if the lien holder on the Grand Am is cooperating with them yet (don't even get me started! This has been such a fiasco that I'll never finance through Sovereign Bank ever again! Geico is willing to pay, aren't they happy they'll be getting the FULL amount I owed on the car?!?!?!?!?!!?! Especially in a time when everyone and their uncle is defaulting on loans? saflkdjshlfkjasdhf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-Domesticky thingies, like dishes and laundry.
-sigh- I. want. paperwork. over. with. I don't even have the car anymore, geico took it the same day I got the Saab. And there's a mini-fiasco with the DMV and the Saab because silly me forgot there's this thing called a TITLE, that all cars newer than 1981 need in order to be registered (in this state). I wanted to mail this guy's plates back to him yesterday so there's no question about who this car really belongs to if, God forbid, I get pulled over.
Busy busy busy.
artsy projects,
flea market,
leap day,
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Can't you see me darting from one yardsale to another in THIS?

And I drove it 96 miles home. :D
Still no final verdict on the name though. Since Saabs are from Sweden and I once knew a girl from Sweden named Luna, I was going to name it after her twin sister Sophia, or Sophie for short. I kind of like it. Sophie the Saab. And Sophie is the name of Drew Barrymore's character in Music & Lyrics.
Oh. And ♥ the car. It could benefit from a tune up, but that's all it needs! And it's CLEAN! No more dog hairs stuck under the cruise control buttons like in the Grand Am. No cruise control, actually. lol And can we talk about the gas milage? I DROVE FROM BOSTON TO HOME AND ONLY USED 1/4 TANK OF GAS. That's like nothing compared to what the Grand Am or the Pontiac 6000 would use. And what they would use is nothing like the Jeep used. Holy hell. Boston & back= $50. Saab, from Boston to home= not even $10.
I need to make a new car CD mix. teehee. Yes, it has a CD player (A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++)
So, there's an auction tomorrow night and a HUGE yardsale to kick off the season in Mansfield. I got some cute camel statues off ebay.
I put up 8 new pairs of Clock Hand earrings on ETSY. Check them out!
Etsians: IF YOU BUY ANYTHING FROM ME and send me pictures to show me how you rock it, I will feature you in this blog! Even supplies--if you show me what you make with them!
show me how you rock it etsy feature,
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Coming to a ________ show near you!
I'm still without wheels. I hope to head to Boston tonight and buy a cheap Saab. Once I have wheels, oh man, watch out...I might get a job. lol.
Anyway, I had an interview at Ocean State Job Lot yesterday. Part time till April, then full time. That's ok, I just need something to pay bills. I'd be so happy with that because I'd have time to make a real go of Etsy, the Flea Market, and still have some kind of income security. And Ocean State is not Walmart. And I do half my grocery shopping there (hello employee discount!)
SO...that's that.
In other news, I've been going crazy experimenting with wire, polymer clay, paints, and God knows what else. I was up at 11:00 last night smoking up the kitchen and baking beads (what kind of beads? I'm not saying till they're for sale!)
I'm also starting to embark on a set of weather-inspired jewelry, after recently watching a well-known weather movie. But I won't say which one till my jewelry's for sale.
The painting experiment went fairly well, which I worked on for two days last week and might work again this week depending on if I have the time and if it warms up...because I can't air out all those fumes and probably killed a vast amount of brain cells creating three boxes. One large box and two trinket boxes for Etsy.

I'm going to start looking for local craft fairs to sell my stuff in :D.
Anyway, I had an interview at Ocean State Job Lot yesterday. Part time till April, then full time. That's ok, I just need something to pay bills. I'd be so happy with that because I'd have time to make a real go of Etsy, the Flea Market, and still have some kind of income security. And Ocean State is not Walmart. And I do half my grocery shopping there (hello employee discount!)
SO...that's that.
In other news, I've been going crazy experimenting with wire, polymer clay, paints, and God knows what else. I was up at 11:00 last night smoking up the kitchen and baking beads (what kind of beads? I'm not saying till they're for sale!)
I'm also starting to embark on a set of weather-inspired jewelry, after recently watching a well-known weather movie. But I won't say which one till my jewelry's for sale.
The painting experiment went fairly well, which I worked on for two days last week and might work again this week depending on if I have the time and if it warms up...because I can't air out all those fumes and probably killed a vast amount of brain cells creating three boxes. One large box and two trinket boxes for Etsy.

I'm going to start looking for local craft fairs to sell my stuff in :D.
artsy projects,
flea market,
Monday, February 25, 2008
I need to write in my real journal IRL
I haven't written in my paper journal in almost a month. That's like blasphemy but so much has been going on that I haven't found the time. Originally I was going to write while at the flea market booth but that ended up going a bit crazy on me. Between making sales and making earrings, I hardly have time to grab a bite to eat now.
So I should write, but I'm alway busy creating something. Last week I painted some boxes--one was an old wooden wine box that I painted, and the other two were turned into tiny trinket boxes. Then Mom and I went through her massive crafting stash that she acquired at different yardsales throughout the mid-90's. Money is getting tighter and there's plenty of things in the basement. Well...till I find it all. And then yardsale season will be here and I won't have to worry about it.
I need a car. I have my eyes on a Saab in the Boston area but I don't know if I'll be able to get up there fast enough and grab it. My Grand Am is totaled for sure and I'm waiting for the insurance company to come and get it.
So I should write, but I'm alway busy creating something. Last week I painted some boxes--one was an old wooden wine box that I painted, and the other two were turned into tiny trinket boxes. Then Mom and I went through her massive crafting stash that she acquired at different yardsales throughout the mid-90's. Money is getting tighter and there's plenty of things in the basement. Well...till I find it all. And then yardsale season will be here and I won't have to worry about it.
I need a car. I have my eyes on a Saab in the Boston area but I don't know if I'll be able to get up there fast enough and grab it. My Grand Am is totaled for sure and I'm waiting for the insurance company to come and get it.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Another day, more etsy and more ebay
I have another junk jewelry lot up for sale, but it doesn't appear to be doing as well as the last one. oy.
I can't believe it's already Thursday though! It's almost the weekend and the weekend means YARDSALES. YEAHHHHHHHHHH. And Flea Market, which I didn't give up after all :) Not after my best Sunday ever.
New stuff this Sunday, btw. Can't wait.
I have a lot of new things on Etsy, but mostly supplies. It took me a good 7 hours to get that mess ready for photographing and sale on teh internetz.
I can't believe it's already Thursday though! It's almost the weekend and the weekend means YARDSALES. YEAHHHHHHHHHH. And Flea Market, which I didn't give up after all :) Not after my best Sunday ever.
New stuff this Sunday, btw. Can't wait.
I have a lot of new things on Etsy, but mostly supplies. It took me a good 7 hours to get that mess ready for photographing and sale on teh internetz.
Friday, February 15, 2008
My car was totaled in an accident last Saturday night.
But this means 3 things:
1. I don't have a car.
2. I don't deliver newspapers anymore. (see above)
3. I can't afford to keep the booth in the flea market. This Sunday will be my last Sunday unless business picks up. But if I don't make the rent, I need to call it quits until I get some money.
It was a good, almost 3 month run...but no one has any money. God knows I don't. Hell I don't have money to get a car, even a crappy one. I don't even have enough money to pay next month's bills. Still job hunting. Still have the Jeep, except it's going through coolant like crazy and I don't have the money to fix it. And because it was going through $35 a day in gas and a bottle of coolant every night I had to deliver the paper, I had to leave the Bulletin because I couldn't afford the gas (I wasn't going to have enough money to make it to my next paycheck) and I can't afford to wreck my only car, nevermind repair it. I mean...I stopped delivering Tuesday night because between Sunday morning and Tuesday night it had gone through $140 in gas ALONE. $140.
I didn't go to the auction tonight either. Why tempt myself or resist temptation and go home empty-handed? Besides, don't have a car to get to J.C. I spent the night posting supplies and a few pieces of jewelry on Etsy and combed the basement for spare change...1993 style. I remember I did that on January 1, 1993, which kicked off coin collecting because I found a nickel from 1938 and had never seen a Jefferson nickel so old obsession was born. But now I'm searching the house for old purses & wallets that I abandoned full of change when I was working at ITema because when I was working at ITema, money didn't really mean much. So far all I found in the basement were a bunch of wheat pennies and Big Y coins and tokens from the Connecticut Toll.
I need money. Right now. I mean, I almost contemplated going back to The Resident and working for Alexis EXCEPT I forgot the biggie--my camera is a tad broken. And she requires you to take your own pics for the story. Oy.....broken camera, broken car...
AT LEAST my credit card is not maxed out. But my bank account is empty. Most of the time I'm actually okay with it but right now I have PMS and don't feel like eating anything in the house.
I spent a lovely day walking around what's left of the antiques district in Putnam. This is what I observed.
1. I don't care, the SIMPSONS is not old enough to be considered antique, or even vintage.
2. Even though I haven't visited that huge 4 story antique store on the corner since 1994, that 1869 map of Sterling is STILL there. Whattttt. That's 14 years of sitting there collecting dust and probably the only person who might want it in this entire state is me. LOL
3. More than 50% of the antique stores that were there when Mom and I were going to the Dark Forest are now gone, and their storefronts remain empty.
4. That being said, is Putnam still considered to be one of the leading antiques districts?
I had Chai tea at Victoria Station, even though I really can't afford $3.30 lattes. I've been kind of spoiling myself this week because Wednesday was my birthday and naturally Thursday was Valentine's Day...but I couldn't celebrate my birthday Wednesday because I had the post office exam in I used the entire rest of the week to do it. I don't care that my car is wrecked, really. I didn't care Saturday and I don't care now, not when being alive is what's important. You can always buy a new car (well....not right but you can't buy a new life, no matter how much Everclear says you can. lol
But this means 3 things:
1. I don't have a car.
2. I don't deliver newspapers anymore. (see above)
3. I can't afford to keep the booth in the flea market. This Sunday will be my last Sunday unless business picks up. But if I don't make the rent, I need to call it quits until I get some money.
It was a good, almost 3 month run...but no one has any money. God knows I don't. Hell I don't have money to get a car, even a crappy one. I don't even have enough money to pay next month's bills. Still job hunting. Still have the Jeep, except it's going through coolant like crazy and I don't have the money to fix it. And because it was going through $35 a day in gas and a bottle of coolant every night I had to deliver the paper, I had to leave the Bulletin because I couldn't afford the gas (I wasn't going to have enough money to make it to my next paycheck) and I can't afford to wreck my only car, nevermind repair it. I mean...I stopped delivering Tuesday night because between Sunday morning and Tuesday night it had gone through $140 in gas ALONE. $140.
I didn't go to the auction tonight either. Why tempt myself or resist temptation and go home empty-handed? Besides, don't have a car to get to J.C. I spent the night posting supplies and a few pieces of jewelry on Etsy and combed the basement for spare change...1993 style. I remember I did that on January 1, 1993, which kicked off coin collecting because I found a nickel from 1938 and had never seen a Jefferson nickel so old obsession was born. But now I'm searching the house for old purses & wallets that I abandoned full of change when I was working at ITema because when I was working at ITema, money didn't really mean much. So far all I found in the basement were a bunch of wheat pennies and Big Y coins and tokens from the Connecticut Toll.
I need money. Right now. I mean, I almost contemplated going back to The Resident and working for Alexis EXCEPT I forgot the biggie--my camera is a tad broken. And she requires you to take your own pics for the story. Oy.....broken camera, broken car...
AT LEAST my credit card is not maxed out. But my bank account is empty. Most of the time I'm actually okay with it but right now I have PMS and don't feel like eating anything in the house.
I spent a lovely day walking around what's left of the antiques district in Putnam. This is what I observed.
1. I don't care, the SIMPSONS is not old enough to be considered antique, or even vintage.
2. Even though I haven't visited that huge 4 story antique store on the corner since 1994, that 1869 map of Sterling is STILL there. Whattttt. That's 14 years of sitting there collecting dust and probably the only person who might want it in this entire state is me. LOL
3. More than 50% of the antique stores that were there when Mom and I were going to the Dark Forest are now gone, and their storefronts remain empty.
4. That being said, is Putnam still considered to be one of the leading antiques districts?
I had Chai tea at Victoria Station, even though I really can't afford $3.30 lattes. I've been kind of spoiling myself this week because Wednesday was my birthday and naturally Thursday was Valentine's Day...but I couldn't celebrate my birthday Wednesday because I had the post office exam in I used the entire rest of the week to do it. I don't care that my car is wrecked, really. I didn't care Saturday and I don't care now, not when being alive is what's important. You can always buy a new car (well....not right but you can't buy a new life, no matter how much Everclear says you can. lol
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I went to two sites tonight and filled up a shopping cart with like $100 worth of stuff.....
...and left the sites before ordering. hahaha
I really wanted to buy some cool stuff for the flea market but the economy is so bad that all the vendors at the flea market are complaining that the weeks since Christmas have been some of the worst weeks ever. I mean...I only made $8 last weekend and rent is $26. Instead I found value in the day by helping Flo (the fabric booth across from me) find the keys for her cash register, put up more papyrus, and take pictures.
I was exhausted from lack of sleep too. This newspaper thing is not forever, I keep telling myself. But I dread ever returning to an office job, unless it's the post office.
Anyway, I didn't buy anything new for the flea market. I really wanted to go all out and get some cheap mood rings and some pimp hats and some silly keychains from Rhode Island Novelty....but $50 once again means something to me. I need to sell more stuff before I can buy more stuff to sell.
I went to Danny's Auction out on Rt. 6 in Foster, RI yesterday (this was the previously mentioned Monday night auction I wrote about back when I still had my day job). Let me tell was like that scene in The Blues Brothers where they're at Bob's Country Bunker and they ask what kind of music they have in there and the bar maid replies, "oh, we have both kinds. Country AND Western!"
Still, it was nice to see some of the flea market regulars like Bob with the mad awesome furniture and Frank the golf ball guy. I like Bob Leone's auction every other Friday much, much better.
Off to make some jewelry or paint and be artsy or something. Or cook or something.
...and left the sites before ordering. hahaha
I really wanted to buy some cool stuff for the flea market but the economy is so bad that all the vendors at the flea market are complaining that the weeks since Christmas have been some of the worst weeks ever. I mean...I only made $8 last weekend and rent is $26. Instead I found value in the day by helping Flo (the fabric booth across from me) find the keys for her cash register, put up more papyrus, and take pictures.
I was exhausted from lack of sleep too. This newspaper thing is not forever, I keep telling myself. But I dread ever returning to an office job, unless it's the post office.
Anyway, I didn't buy anything new for the flea market. I really wanted to go all out and get some cheap mood rings and some pimp hats and some silly keychains from Rhode Island Novelty....but $50 once again means something to me. I need to sell more stuff before I can buy more stuff to sell.
I went to Danny's Auction out on Rt. 6 in Foster, RI yesterday (this was the previously mentioned Monday night auction I wrote about back when I still had my day job). Let me tell was like that scene in The Blues Brothers where they're at Bob's Country Bunker and they ask what kind of music they have in there and the bar maid replies, "oh, we have both kinds. Country AND Western!"
Still, it was nice to see some of the flea market regulars like Bob with the mad awesome furniture and Frank the golf ball guy. I like Bob Leone's auction every other Friday much, much better.
Off to make some jewelry or paint and be artsy or something. Or cook or something.
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