Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I went to two sites tonight and filled up a shopping cart with like $100 worth of stuff.....

...and left the sites before ordering. hahaha

I really wanted to buy some cool stuff for the flea market but the economy is so bad that all the vendors at the flea market are complaining that the weeks since Christmas have been some of the worst weeks ever. I mean...I only made $8 last weekend and rent is $26. Instead I found value in the day by helping Flo (the fabric booth across from me) find the keys for her cash register, put up more papyrus, and take pictures.

I was exhausted from lack of sleep too. This newspaper thing is not forever, I keep telling myself. But I dread ever returning to an office job, unless it's the post office.

Anyway, I didn't buy anything new for the flea market. I really wanted to go all out and get some cheap mood rings and some pimp hats and some silly keychains from Rhode Island Novelty....but $50 once again means something to me. I need to sell more stuff before I can buy more stuff to sell.

I went to Danny's Auction out on Rt. 6 in Foster, RI yesterday (this was the previously mentioned Monday night auction I wrote about back when I still had my day job). Let me tell you...it was like that scene in The Blues Brothers where they're at Bob's Country Bunker and they ask what kind of music they have in there and the bar maid replies, "oh, we have both kinds. Country AND Western!"

Still, it was nice to see some of the flea market regulars like Bob with the mad awesome furniture and Frank the golf ball guy. I like Bob Leone's auction every other Friday much, much better.

Off to make some jewelry or paint and be artsy or something. Or cook or something.

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