Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why would someone with so much potential... delivering newspapers at ungodly hours?

Easy. Because I don't give a damn about so-called careers and don't want one. Potential doesn't mean slave away at some miserable paper-pushing job for your entire working life and die at 50 because you have a Type A personality and never really accomplish anything to be proud of. This pays my bills but at the same time, allows me to work on my art. Sacrifice. I've been sacrificing the wrong thing for too long and suppressing my creativity...for what? To lose all the talent I worked so hard on 10 years ago and let it all go to waste in corporate America? I don't think so.

You know, I haven't been this relaxed since forever. Maybe it's because I don't have bosses anymore. lol

Really...what accomplishments am I proud of over the past 3 years? In order: The Resident...making my photography...the video tribute I made for Uncle Larry...starting the flea market...making jewelry and being artsy.

Notice that nothing at Yankee Retail, Verizon, ITema, Norwich Bulletin, Crunchy Kids etc etc etc made that list. I don't feel like wasting my life anymore because that's not the reason we live.

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